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A+ R A-

  No. of participants enrolled:
Health and Safety

Course Title: Healthy Living - Preventing Propagation of Insects

Course Outline 


This course consists of dealing with a process of rational decision making in order to optimize the use of resources for vector control. The aim of the IVM approach is to contribute to the achievement of the global targets set for vector-borne disease control, by making vector control more efficient, cost effective, ecologically sound and sustainable. The aim of this course  is to provide learners with necessary guidance for the proper implementation of IVM. 




Course Objectives 


The objectives of the course are to enable participants to:

  • Design more cost-effective systems
  • Minimize the negative impacts on ecosystems
  • Avoid adverse side effects on public health
  • Limit excessive use of chemicals



Learning Outcomes


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and approach of Integrated vector management
  • Have the knowledge in the selection for vector control measure
  • Define the evolution of Integrated vector management
  • Identify the key elements of Integrated vector management strategies


    Expected Completion

           3-4 weeks


    Hours To Be Earned

           3 Hours


    Online Assessment


    Online Certificate



           Rs 500


        Click Here to register