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Please note that we have moved to our new campus at Med Tech Street, Cote D'or Technopole, Réduit (Minissy)

A+ R A-
Course code:
Organizational Excellence
 Middle Management


Course Title: Protocol and Etiquette   

Course Description 


Organisations spend quite lot of money in building their corporate brands. In this world of competition, networking has emerged as a vital tool for organisations to stay in touch with their clients. While interacting with the clients, the employees represent these organisations and have to defend the brand the organisations hold. This course covers the full range of conventions, rules, customs and expectations that employees must master in order to interact professionally with VIPs and in high-level business.

The participants will learn the written and unwritten rules of official protocol and business etiquette.

This course covers the following modules:

  • Principles of protocol and etiquette
  • Flawless professional and personal conduct
  • Preparing and hosting VIP visits and occasions
  • International and local variations




Course Objectives  


The objectives of the course are to enable participants to:

  • Understand the importance of brand and behaviour alignment.
  • Identify behaviours that enhance and detract from an organisation’s reputation.
  • Understand proper etiquette in all circumstances; whether local, regional or international.
  • Develop the qualities towards giving a professional interview.




Learning Outcomes


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the universal principles of protocol, etiquette, courtesy and manners
  • Navigate and manage interpersonal dynamics in important encounters
  • Make a good impression and avoid causing offence or embarrassment in high profile situations
  • Display appropriate international business etiquette in many contexts
  • Prepare and host VIP visits and formal occasions
  • Interact respectfully with people from many cultures, nations and regions




           4 days



    Hours To Be Earned

           24 Hours


