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Please note that training sessions will NOT be held today, 28 February 2025.

A+ R A-

   No. of participants enrolled:
Good Governance
Supervisory / Middle Management /Top Management

Course Title: Public Responsibility in Good Governance

Course Outline 


Nowadays organisations are committed to a sound running of their businesses and therefore it becomes everyone's responsibility in implementing policies and in becoming more accountable and responsible. Public Responsibility which can also be called "Administrative Responsibility” or "Government Responsibility” refer to:

1.Why the Government shall be responsible

2.Who the Government should be responsible for

3.How the Government shall be responsible

Based on this, it is very important for the Government to be responsible for the citizens, their safety and ensuring social stability. Therefore, it is important to involve different stakeholders in promoting and sustaining Good Governance.

The process of implementing good governance mechanisms and be result oriented is first of all encouraging a change of mind-set.

This course has been devised to provide participants with an understanding of the need of good governance and everyone's responsibility in achieving this.




Course Objectives 


The objectives of the course are to enable participants to:

  • Understand what is Public Responsibility
  • Understand what is autonomous self-governing network of actors and who should be involved
  • Create a relationship with Non-profit organisations and Non-governmental organisations for them to understand their role in Public Responsibility
  • Develop skills and techniques in tackling social and economic issues
  • Understand implementation mechanisms of Public Responsibility
  • Understand Good Governance perspectives on Public Responsibility




Learning Outcomes


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand why different stakeholders should be involved when we talk of Good Governance
  • Create a responsible society in sustaining Good Governance
  • Apply multiple approaches: integration of law, management, politics
  • Understand the importance of acting in a reasonable, sensible and morally correct manner
  • Recognise the importance of getting things done in a collective manner


    Expected Completion

           3-4 weeks


    Hours To Be Earned

           3 Hours


    Online Assessment


    Online Certificate



           Rs 500


         Click Here to register