Course code:
Category: Organizational Excellence
Level: Workmen
Course Title: Tea Making and Service
Course Description
The course will focus on the following:
- Introduction to tea making
- History of tea and coffee
- Methods of preparing tea/coffee
- Tools and equipment/accessories
- Preparation and serving of tea/coffee
- Take orders, serve tea and coffee
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to enable participants to:
- Understand the different methods of preparing tea and coffee.
- Know how to use the tools and equipment accessories required to make tea and coffee.
- Know how to prepare and serve tea.
- Take orders and serve tea and coffee.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Prepare tea and coffee using the appropriate tools and equipment/accessories.
- Take orders and serve tea and coffee.
- Know how to prepare and serve tea and coffee.
1 day
Hours To Be Earned
12 Hours

Rs 4000