Course code: 2213
Category: Human Resource Management
Level: Support Staff/Frontline/Supervisory/Technical Grades
Course Title: Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
Course Description
This course has been designed to provide participants know how about undertaking a training needs analysis. A training is effective when it is done subsequent to a training needs analysis.
The course will cover the following areas:
- The objective, reason and outcome for doing a TNA and how does it fit into the organisation.
- The different TNA approaches; Organisational, Occupational and Individual
- Factors that lead to success and failure of a TNA.
- The importance of organisational culture and the operating environment and how to create a positive work environment while conducting a TNA.
- What techniques to use for specific situations – face to face, questionnaires, individual, group etc.
- Aligning the training needs analysis to the strategic objectives of the organisation.
- Understanding short-term approaches versus long-term situations and at the same time cope with the changing business priorities.
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are to enable participants to:
- Prepare and agree an investigation plan for the identification of current and future training needs at organisational, departmental or work group level.
- Select and use a range of information gathering methods so that training needs are reliably identified within time and cost constraints.
- Apply a practical technique for the analysis of the information and data to identify needs and determine priorities.
- Use a structured framework for the development and production of an outline plan to show the proposed training solution.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
- Prepare for training needs analysis projects at a variety of levels – simple to complex situations.
- Weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of each situation by assessing the big picture and the detail, and working out the best approach.
- Build trust, rapport and empathy so that the results are valid and worthwhile.
- Seek the right information that will set up a good training design.
- Conduct TNA projects in a timely and effective manner.
- Adapt quickly to changed circumstances and new information.
- Avoid common pitfalls and traps.
- Achieve good outcomes for themselves and their organisation.
2 days
Hours To Be Earned
12 Hours

Rs 4000