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Please note that training sessions will NOT be held today, 28 February 2025.

A+ R A-

  No. of participants enrolled:
Communication Skills


Course Title: Transformation In The Public Sector


Course Outline 


Continuous improvement and transformation are critical for both public and private organisations. This course aims to develop your understanding of Public Sector Transformation and the current initiatives being undertaken for a high performing, knowledge based, innovative, transparent and accountable Public Sector. The main aims are to provide citizen-centric services and contribute to the socio-economic development of Mauritius.



Course Objectives  


The objectives of the course are to enable participants to:

  • understand the concept and importance of Public Sector Transformation ;
  • understand the current implementing mechanisms/ drivers of Transformation in the Mauritian Public Service;
  • take cognisance of the plethora of activities being undertaken across the Public Service to scale innovation and transformation; and
  • contribute to transform the Public Sector into a modern, agile and more efficient one.


Learning Outcomes


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the notion of Public Sector Transformation;
  • Understand critical success factors for Public Sector Transformation;
  • Identify the barriers to transformation and solutions to overcome them;
  • Get acquainted with innovative technologies and the process on how to avail of those in the Public Service; and
  • Understand the key enablers of transformation.


    Expected Completion

           3-4 weeks


    Hours To Be Earned

           3 Hours


    Online Assessment


    Online Certificate



           Rs 500


         Click Here to register